Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Each of us spends varying amounts of time in front of the mirror each day preparing, comparing, and analyzing our appearance related to a standard we have set for ourselves. Seeing our reflection, we quickly receive feedback, make adjustments and perfect our look whether it is our hair, makeup or proper clothes. This daily ritual is a just that—a ritual or habit; repetitive and automatic. We wouldn’t leave the house without our daily ‘reflection’. What other reflective activities can be used to produce continuous improvement? Effective, high performing teams use a very specific feedback event known as the ‘debrief’ to reflect past team performance and promote experiential learning. Debriefs are short-lived instances where teams face the ‘mirror’ (each other) to reflect valuable insights, knowledge, and shared understandings designed to optimize performance. In a debrief team members get a chance to review decision-making, timing, efficiency, and effectiveness along with identifying opportunities for [...]